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Pumpkin Pierogies with Sweet Potato Thyme Filling
For dough:
- 2 ½ cups sifted whole wheat flour
- 1 cup sifted unbleached flour
- 4 eggs
- ½ cup fresh pumpkin puree (and possibly a few tablespoons of water)
- ½ tsp sea salt
For filling: Blend together the following
- 2 large sweet potatoes, peeled chopped and boiled
- 1 teaspoon cinnamon
- ½ teaspoon nutmeg
- 1 carmelized onion
- 1 bunch fresh thyme (approximately 1 tablespoon)
- 1 tablespoon butter
To prepare the dough:
(If using a Kitchenaid or other blender)
- Combine dough ingredients and mix until flour is wet. Then use your dough hook to knead for two minutes, until the ball of dough is formed. Depending on the consistency of your pumpkin puree (mine was fresh so it had higher water content than canned would) you may want to add one or two tablespoons of water.
(If mixing by hand)
- Mix flours together and add the other ingredients to a well in the center. Begin by stirring in the center, mixing the eggs with the other ingredients to break them up, and slowly adding the flour. Knead until a smooth elastic dough is formed.
To make the pierogies
- Refrigerate for at least 20 minutes [you can let it remain refrigerated overnight].
- When ready to use, roll your dough out on a floured surface. Use a cookie cutter or cup to cut circles in the dough. Place a spoonful of filling in each circle. Fold one edge over the other to form a crescent shape. Pinch ends together with a fork to form a seal. Be sure that the edges are completely sealed; otherwise your filling will leak as your boiling the pierogies and it'll get messy.
- Put a pot of water on the stove with a pinch of salt. Drop your pierogies into the boiling water for a few minutes to cook them. They will float to the surface when they are ready.
- Scoop them out and allow them to sit in a colander to get the excess water off.
If enjoying now
- I recommend browning them in melted butter to give them a crisp texture and a nice rich color. Try these with a little lemon butter and sprinkle with extra thyme.
If you are preparing these in advance
- you can freeze them by lining them up on a cookie sheet and putting them in the freezer. After they harden, separate and freeze them in portion sized bags
The post Pumpkin Pierogies with Sweet Potato Thyme Filling appeared first on Homegrown & Healthy.